Amaneet Brar 应用

Punjab Election Tadka 1.4
Amaneet Brar
Punjab Political Elections are about toapproach with full zeal. For sure, people around Punjab are excitedto support their preferred party to help it win and rule the stateof diverse heritage. To make you prepare to cheer for the one,either Congress, Akali Dal or Aam Adami Party (AAP), PUNJABELECTION TADKA app is designed for you that brings great fun andexcitement while having debates over your favorite party.Amazingly, it is compatible with every device which can be used byanyone, anytime and anywhere.The controversial issues between the various political parties havealways been the ‘talk of the town’. To start your debate, simplydownload your video on the app and add your opinion that why you’reright. Afterward, give a call to your battle buddy to review yourpost and enter their comments or alternative video. The video willpenetrate on our feed and every visitor will have the right to graba look at the video and vote for the best one. To win thisexclusive battle, you need to gather more & more votes. Also,watch other posted videos and contribute your precious vote on afew other debates.Mix up the spices all together to bring a great battle at PUNJABELECTION TADKA!
Election Survey 2014 4.8
Amaneet Brar
From all the current news about theelectionsto all the latest scandals and mudslinging betweenparties, theElection Survey App provides you with exciting andfascinatinginformation about the Indian General Election 2014. Justa simpleswipe or a touch of your finger will get you everythingthat youever wanted to know about the elections!Read about who’s creating a buzz in the electoral world, checkoutinteresting trivia about political parties and politicians!ThisElection App even allows you to participate in surveys, so youcanget to know what other people think about the upcomingelection.Answer fun and interesting questions about politicians,politicalparties and get to know how many people think on the samelines asyou.When you answer the intriguing questions that this app contains,youwill get to know exactly how many people voted for the sameoptionas you and how many voted for other options. So now you willbe ableto predict trends for the upcoming election with just theswipe ofyour finger!The Indian General Election in 2014 is stated to be thesecondlargest election in the world, second only to the USA! Andwith thelargest electoral strength in the world, we can onlyspeculatewho’s going to win this time. Is it going to the BJP? Oris itgoing to be the Congress? Maybe the AAP?Download this app right away and find out what the real peopleofIndia, the voters think!
Virtual Attendance
Amaneet Brar
Virtual Attendance allows you to take and keep attendance records.